Is CBD Oil Legal in South Dakota : Where to buy CBD Near Me?

Many make the assumption that since the Farm Bill was passed in 2018 making CBD Federally legal, that all the 50 states treat CBD products the same. The CBD industry overall since the passing of the bill has been booming as more and more people are becoming aware of CBD and studies are being  conducted on CBD benefits. But unfortunately, not all the states treat CBD the same, with each state able to create their own local laws and regulations specific to CBD sales in their state. In the case of South Dakota things become even more complicated with local regulators making their own rules.

So, the big questions are, where can I buy CBD near me and is CBD oil legal in South Dakota? The answers are complicated. Let’s take a closer look at common topics in CBD and better explain where it’s safe to buy CBD products.

How Is CBD Oil Viewed in South Dakota?

Hemp Products Are Legal

How Are Hemp Products Tested?

Are Hemp CBD Products Safe?

Will Hemp Extract Products cause me to fail a drug test?

Full Spectrum vs CBD Isolate?

Where to Get CBD Legally in South Dakota?

How Is CBD Oil Viewed in South Dakota?

The Mount Rushmore state has taken a very aggressive stand against marijuana. Possession of more than two ounces of marijuana in South Dakota is classified as a felony. This can warrant more than 1 year in prison, fines starting at $4,000.

Despite federal legalization of hemp and hemp-derived CBD, all forms of hemp, hemp oil, CBD oil, and other CBD products remain illegal in South Dakota. On Jan. 30, 2019, the state House of Representatives introduced House Bill 1191 to legalize industrial hemp. The bill passed both the House and Senate, but was vetoed by Republican Gov. Kristi Noem on March 12, 2019.  

And after the passing of the Farm Bill, a change was made that hemp products would now be legal. But for many people, this only created more confusion. What’s the difference between hemp and marijuana? Is CBD legal in South Dakota and where can I buy CBD near me are the common questions that people ask?

Hemp Products Are Federally Legal

CBD is derived from the Cannabis plant. Federally CBD can contain up to .03% THC, often referred to as Full Spectrum. THC is the compound that typically is associated with getting intoxicated or the feeling of being “high”. Marijuana products contain more than .03% THC and are strictly illegal in South Dakota for recreational use. 

Though this has caused a lot of confusion. However, the thing to keep in mind is difference is in amount of THC present between CBD and Marijuana.

How Are Hemp Products Tested?

As mentioned, it’s only legal for you to order and receive hemp products if it has less than 0.3% THC content. Anything above this limit remains banned and you should be careful when making a purchase and make sure it’s from a reputable store or online CBD shop. To make sure that people comply with these rules, the police will be able to test these products. If you have a product with more than 0.3% THC you can still face fines or jail time.

It is important for this reason to make sure that before purchasing any products that you take a look at 3rd party test results and purchase products only from trusted vendors. We at LeafyQuick make sure that we display all 3rd party test results, work with only reputable CBD brands, farmers and producers and do the proper due diligence to exceed all state and federal requirements.

Are Hemp CBD Products Safe?

When you use a trusted CBD retailer, like LeafyQuick, you can rest assured that all the products are safe for you to consume. We confirm that the extracted CBD from hemp has THC levels below 0.3%, the CBD Oil is made using quality extraction equipment and responsible techniques and is tested via a third-party laboratory (this helps verify CBD content and quality). As such, to make sure that you are getting the best quality products, our team verifies third party lab tests for all of our CBD oils and ensure that the CBD product complies with strict government regulations. 

Will Hemp Extract Products cause me to fail a drug test?

A consumer who uses a high-quality, scientifically vetted hemp based product at the standard serving size is highly unlikely to test positive for THC and/or THC-COOH. However, it’s important to note that extremely high doses may result in a positive urine screen and that genetic differences in the CYP450 enzyme system may cause variation in results. Ultimately, consumers need to be fully informed of the specific regulations proposed by their employers and adjust their consumption of cannabinoid products accordingly. At LeafyQuick we sell CBD oil that are both THC free (CBD Isolates and CBD Broad Spectrum) and Full Spectrum CBD Oil that contain less than 0.3% THC.

Full Spectrum vs CBD Isolate?

When you select a full- spectrum CBD product, your product contains naturally occurring cannabinoids (including less than 0.3% THC), plant terpenes, flavinoids, vitamins, and minerals of the original hemp source. These compounds work together to create what is known as the "Entourage Effect."  CBD Isolate is cannabidiol in its purest form a full-spectrum product that has been further processed to remove the plant compounds. All that remains is a white powder that is at least 99 percent pure CBD with zero percent THC. This powder is then transformed into various CBD isolate products such as oils and edibles. A full - spectrum CBD product is the product of choice for those looking to take advantage of the Entorouge Effect. The Entorouge Effect is used to explain how the whole has a greater impact than its individual parts.

Where to Get CBD Legally in South Dakota?

So, the answer is NO, CBD products are now currently illegal in South Dakota. When the laws change, it is important to keep in mind where to buy CBD. 

In most cases, it’s best to shop for CBD oil online. This has a couple of benefits, ability to research the products and brands, check test results and have it delivered to your doorstep. And by purchasing your CBD Products from an online platform like LeafyQuick provides the added assurance of buying from a trusted source that has done the due diligence of complying with state laws. So, browse for CBD oil products online and give them a try yourself. Instead of searching for CBD shops near you, you can easily browse the LeafyQuick best sellers and pick the right CBD product that works for you:

There are new products that come to market daily and our team is at the front lines searching for the best CBD products for you. You can explore our daily deals and all CBD products for sale daily on our CBD Shop Online. Once you place your order our team will ship the product same day and you should expect delivery anywhere from 2-5 days from your purchase.
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